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Seeds, seeds and more seeds!

In 2020 I had some success with planting seeds directly into  my raised garden bed, and with visions of nursery plants being in COVID-related short supply, I decided to do more this year.

I purchased a number of types of seeds from the store across the road, and managed to score a set of experimental tomato hybrid seeds from the Klee Lab at the University of Florida as part of their Citizen Science Initiative – am particularly excited about these.

April 18th into the raised garden I planted from seed: red onion, yellow onion, two types of bok choi, mixed lettuce, carrots, and celery. I received the tomato seeds the week of April 24th, and am attempting to start them and a few other things indoors as of May 1st – later than ideal, but still lots of time, and many Ontario gardeners wait until after the May long weekend to plant outdoors anyways – gives me a few weeks to see what sprouts!

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