Not to miss a week of adding more plants that I have yet to inventory, this weekend we visited 2 new garden centres in the area and added 8 more plants to the team.
As per the photo above included are:
- Annabelle Hydrangea
- Sedum spurium “Dragons Blood”
- Hosta – Ripple Effect
- Mukdenia rossii “Karasuba”
- Nepeta faassenii “Six Hills Giant” (catmint – the cats have no interest)
- Oenothera macrocarpa (Missouri Evening Primrose)
- Leucanthemum x “Snow Lady” (this is a dwarf shasta daisy – the ones around the orchard are a taller variety)
- Sanguisorba minor “Little Angel”
Ive only planted two of these so far – the hosta and sedum under the maple tree. Will be gardening after work (As usual!)